Sunday, January 22, 2006

the student's arch nemesis...slow walkers

so i have decided that since this blog thing is so popualr i need to jump on the band wagon! woot woot for conformity!!! I am actually beginning this blog because i had an experince today that i feel compelled to rant about:
each and everyday i walk through hub mall, each morning, numerous times in the afternoon and each evening, and each and every day i get stuck behind the slowest walkers that god created. now don't get me wrong...
i am not the fastest walker that the world has ever seen in fact my sister thinks that i am one of the slowest...i disagree but this is not the point...
i don't have hours or even all that many minutes in between classes i have 10 minutes to be exact each and everyday betweeen each and every class so i don't have time to walk behind all those of you who feel the need to hold hands and window shop in hub mall...which the majority of you pass through, like myself multiple times each day. It doesn't change from day to day i promise.
So am waling to my class in tory through hub mall and i am not late not early in the middle per usual and i get stuck behind this boy...i shall call hom bob. so bob knows that i am behind him and that i am attempting to pass him as i have no time to mosey i have class, he blocks my ability to pass and i am destined to walk behind him from the fine arts side of hub mall all the way to tory. i don't think that it has ever taken me so long to get from one end of hub mall to the other...needless to say i was not in a good mood and that i felt a distinct need to yell at him...but i have controlled myself until to slow walker bob....ARGGGGGGGGGG!!!! you made me late for class...all slow walkers beware i am coming for you!!!
xo rachie

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